On July 29 from 11am to 1pm, the Salvation Army is putting on their annual Back to School Blitz! This event, which is sponsored by churches and businesses throughout Sullivan, helps to provide children with school supplies, shoes, hygiene products, etc… Every year, this program has grown! This year will be their biggest year yet, helping 175 students!

In past years, Sullivan First UMC has been providing shampoo for the students – and this year we are committed to providing 175 bottles of shampoo.

We Need Your Help!

There are two things that we need to help with our part this year:

  1. We need help! If you would like to be a part of setting up for and/or handing out of shampoo, please let Pastor Ben know!
  2. Through Dollar General, we have been able to order 175 bottles of children’s shampoo/conditioner/body wash, and it will only cost us $175. Please consider donating some money to help cover the cost. This can be done either online through EasyTithe (click the “Giving” tab in the menu), or by placing money in an envelope and marking it “Back to School Blitz” on Sunday morning!

This will be a great opportunity for us to minister within the community, showing them that they are loved by Christ! So let’s join others in Sullivan in helping out those in need!

Written by Sullivanfirstumc